Watch This Dad's Epiphany About How Kids Treat Moms Way Differently Than Dads

The article discusses a dad's eye-opening realization about his son's contrasting behaviors when spending time with him versus with his wife. Initially, the dad thought his wife exaggerated her need for help until he observed their son's dramatic behavioral shift. The dad noted how his son was calm and independent when he was around but acted differently with his mom. This insight sparked discussions among mothers on social media about the obliviousness of many dads regarding these dynamics, highlighting the complex and varying relationships children form with each parent.
I was here during the day, watching our son just do things that he never, ever did with me, and it was crazy. Our kid acts completely different around his mom than he does his dad.
For the longest time, I wondered why my wife was always like, 'Please, as soon as you can get home from work, whenever you're done, please just come home. I could really use your help here. It's been a long day.'
When I was home, our son would play by himself, ask for things nicely, but then when it was just mom, things changed.
Read at Scary Mommy