"If you're deciding where to live because you're gonna have kids soon, this video is for you," TikTok mom Emily Belson said, promoting the benefits of living near grandparents.
"You do want pop-ins... You want a text at 6:45 p.m., that's like, 'Hey, can we pick up the boys and take them to get ice cream?' You want that!" - Emily Belson advocates for the advantages of having grandparents nearby.
"Before we had kids and we moved here, I was like, 'This is way too close,' because there were some pop-ins... since having kids, it is the greatest blessing to be near my parents," Emily Belson reflects on the transformation of perspective about living near parents.
"I cannot tell you how amazing mentally it is knowing I have someone to call if I need to... Just knowing I have people like that to call, it is so comforting." - Emily Belson highlights the mental relief of having parents nearby for urgent situations.