A mom on TikTok questioned the trend of parents seeking last-minute babysitters through Facebook. She expressed her discomfort and disbelief over the practice, highlighting her belief in the importance of vetting babysitters by meeting them beforehand. After sharing her thoughts, numerous responses flooded in from fellow parents, many echoing her concerns, reminiscing about how babysitting norms have changed over the years, with some recalling the more carefree approach of the past. This raising of awareness emphasizes a growing parental instinct towards caution and safety in childcare.
How wild is it that there are people that literally post on Facebook groups, asking if anybody has a babysitter for tonight?... I could never hire a babysitter without meeting them first.
I'm shocked at the number of families that let me babysit as a teen... As a parent now, I could never.
It’s honestly crazy how we used to just babysit for random people.
Maybe I'm a helicopter mom but no way am I hiring a random without meeting them first.