6 signs you're the annoying mom everyone at school is talking about

"Parenting is a really sensitive subject. Everyone has different standards and different family dynamics and values. Most primary school classes have an eclectic mix of parents, from the mega-worthy and super-efficient to the always-disorganized and the just-don't-cares. You need to be somewhere in the middle."
"The first rule of the class moms' WhatsApp group is never to leave. Mute it if you need to, but don't leave the group. On the other hand, don't bombard it with questions and rely on the chat for your information."
"If you're going to be working from home while having another child over for a playdate, make sure to clear it with the other parent first. Even if the other parent says it's OK, you still need to be accessible to the kids."
"If your child goes to a friend's house and eats McDonald's or watches more TV than you would allow, don't complain - just don't allow them back there for a playdate again. Gossip moves fast, and that can lead to social issues."
Read at New York Post