The article compiles personal stories from BuzzFeed Community users reflecting on painful moments that marked the end of their marriages. Users describe manipulative actions, emotional abuse, and betrayal, such as financial deceit while one partner is in distress or defensive reactions to simple gestures of affection. The narratives reveal a common theme of feelings of betrayal and neglect, highlighting that often the end is recognized long before the formal decision to divorce. These experiences underscore the complex emotional landscapes involved in troubled relationships.
"When he got a credit card in my mom's name and ruined her credit while I was in the hospital having a miscarriage. I got home, and he switched my pain medication with Claritin." - carebear27203
"My marriage was over before it started. On our WEDDING NIGHT, he looked at his newly banded left hand and said, 'Aww, fuck.' He claimed it was a 'joke.'"
"It was when I wrote him a love letter thanking him for all his support, and he raged at me for hours and accused me of cheating, threatened to kill himself, and then finally moved out." - Anonymous