When Charlie Chaplin Entered a Chaplin Look-Alike Contest & Came in 20th Place

Charlie Chaplin, an iconic figure in early film history, was so popular by 1915 that 'Chaplin fever' swept the U.S. with look-alikes and contests. In a humorous twist, Chaplin himself entered a look-alike contest but failed spectacularly, reportedly coming in twentieth. A story recounted at a dinner in 1920 highlighted this embarrassing moment, showcasing the unexpected challenges that even the greatest stars can face when competing with their own image. Chaplin's experience reflects the peak of his influence and the ridiculousness of celebrity culture, illustrating the blurred lines between fame and parody.
According to legend, somewhere between 1915 and 1921, Chaplin decided to enter a Chaplin look-alike contest, and lost, badly.
Charlie Chaplin was one day at a fair in the United States, where a principal attraction was a competition as to who could best imitate the Charlie Chaplin walk.
The real Charlie Chaplin thought there might be a chance for him so he entered for the performance, minus his celebrated moustache and his boots.
Read at Open Culture