The article highlights the need for organizations to expand their training beyond employees to include external partners, vendors, and distributors. It emphasizes that traditional top-down training methods are no longer sufficient in today’s complex business environment. Instead, a bidirectional flow of knowledge is crucial. Successful external training can enhance stakeholder understanding and foster trust in the organization. However, it also presents challenges in determining what knowledge should be shared, requiring a thoughtful approach to curriculum design and resource management for effective learning outcomes.
If your company has partners, vendors, distributors, or resellers, Learning and Development (L&D) should be addressing the unique needs and knowledge gaps of those stakeholders with consistent, dynamic, and personalized external training.
Knowledge exchange has become a two-way street, and an operational necessity for modern businesses.
Competitive organizations understand the positive impact that a strategic approach to external training can have, by proactively managing, curating, delivering, and improving product, industry, and company training resources for everyone in the enterprise.
Determining which aspects of organizational learning should be shared can be challenging.
#external-training #learning-and-development #stakeholder-engagement #knowledge-management #corporate-training