Why Aging Experts Are Obsessed With Health Span'

"Some longevity influencers have gained notoriety by focusing on that first number, claiming that they can radically extend human life with experimental drugs or laborious diet, exercise and supplement protocols. But most experts who study aging are trying to target the second variable: not our life spans, but our health spans—the number of years a person lives without serious disease, particularly those related to aging."
"A more realistic goal is that most people could live to 90, 95 in good health, he added. Increasing health span is also more in line with what many people want. I can tell you that older people are not afraid of dying. What they are concerned about is that at some point they will become a burden for their family."
"There are currently two main ways experts think we may be able to extend our health spans. The first is by adopting everyday healthy behaviors we already know we should be engaging in: exercising regularly, eating nutritious food, getting good sleep and investing in our social bonds. The second is using more experimental approaches that target cellular processes involved with aging through drugs, genetic manipulations or extreme diets."
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