It's not easy being a homo sapien. We have to go to work every day, sitting in front of a bright, glaring screen for eight hours... Not so much for the orangutan, who... is one of our closest living relatives, sharing nearly 30 physical characteristics with us.
Unlike us though, their days are largely spent snacking and grazing freely... Theirs is an existence of leaves and boundless leisure, of berries and sheltering from tropical rain.
We learn that orangutans make their own leafy beds every night, each with their own style and sometimes including pillows. We see how male orangutans tend to holler through the jungle, letting nearby neighbours know about their future travel plans.
It's hard to say. Aside from the odd bit of rough-and-tumble, don't expect a huge amount of drama. The 80-minute documentary is aimed at all ages, and keeps things sweet and lighthearted throughout.