"There's not really a climate that is too hot for breadfruit," says Russell Fielding, a geographer at Coastal Carolina University. One of the highest-yielding food plants in the world, breadfruit is a large-leafed evergreen of the jackfruit family that produces an abundance of knobbly fruits that can be used in a dazzling variety of different dishes. The range of where these trees can grow is steadily expanding as temperatures rise worldwide, and owing to their wide-spreading root system, breadfruit trees are virtually indestructible."
"People are beginning to recognize breadfruit's incredible potential," Fielding says. It not only offers a climate-resilient food source, but it also plays a vital role in enhancing soil health and sequestering carbon, making it an essential component in combating climate change's impacts on food systems. The trees' ability to grow in challenging conditions makes them especially valuable for island nations suffering from the effects of global warming, ensuring food security for vulnerable populations."