Headline-making killer behind 2004 slaying found dead by suicide in Brooklyn apartment: authorities

Howard Goldstein, a convicted murderer who gained notoriety for the brutal killing of his 75-year-old roommate in 2004, was found dead in his Brooklyn apartment on January 27, 2023. Authorities have ruled the incident a suicide after a wellness check was conducted by a volunteer organization. Goldstein's past included a bizarre mix of crossdressing and religious obsession, and his earlier conviction left a lasting impression on the community. His suicide marks the tragic conclusion to a life overshadowed by heinous crime.
In 2004, Goldstein, an Orthodox Jew, made headlines for being a crossdressing, porn and religion obsessed, "wacko" who beat his elderly roommate and landlord to death in a dispute over rent.
Goldstein opened the Midwood apartment door to greet cops wearing high heels, makeup, and lipstick - while Sultan's corpse rotted in a pool of blood on the living room floor.
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