Days before setting off on a vacation from which he would never return, Oh Jaejin's father had been overjoyed at the prospect of becoming a grandfather after Mr. Oh told him that his wife was pregnant. He said he was about to cry, said Mr. Oh, 37, tears welling as he recalled his father's response to the news earlier this month.
The accident, the world's deadliest plane crash in recent years, turned the airport in Muan County into a place of colossal grief and shock for the hundreds of victims' relatives who had rushed there.
On Tuesday, that sadness swelled as officials slowly led families to a temporary morgue set up at the airport hangar, outside the terminal, to identify bodies that had been recovered from the charred and mangled wreckage.
The crash was so devastating that only two people onboard survived; crew members who have since been hospitalized in Seoul. The victims included toddlers and grandparents, entire families, groups of friends and couples.