"I've heard stories of these whales in the past that have wandered into the East River, into the Hudson River, into the harbor, and that's always been something that I thought would be really amazing to see in person and to get a photo of. And so, I was chasing that dream," explained St. Lawrence, 21, the communications lead at south Brooklyn research center Gotham Whale.
"It's not out of the ordinary to see a whale in New York City. It's crazy to see it in the East River."
"As long as there's food. For better and worse, they don't always seem bothered by boats. As long as there's enough fish there to keep them happy, they'll stick around," St. Lawrence said.
"The US Coast Guard issued a stark warning for boaters to pull back their speeds and leave the cetacean alone, even as some New Yorkers eagerly flocked to the waterfront to catch sight of the beautiful beast."