Nolan Church, a former recruiter turned CEO, emphasizes the importance of mending relationships before leaving a job, especially when departing on bad terms. Acknowledging past mistakes can not only improve future job prospects but also result in better reference outcomes. Church discusses the distinction between ‘front door’ and ‘back door’ references, advocating for self-awareness when discussing potential bad references. By being honest about complexities in past roles, candidates can demonstrate growth, which recruiters may view positively even if negative feedback arises.
In a world where a future employer calls that person with or without your knowledge, they’re less likely to say negative things.
I’d typically ask, ‘Is there somebody I shouldn’t reach out to?’ This usually opens the conversation for someone to flag a problematic reference.
When calling references, there were times when red flags would come up, and the employer wouldn’t give a positive review.
People love to hear, ‘I was wrong, and I’m sorry. Thank you again for all the time you spent with me.’