The city Health Department's first-in-the-nation edict will mean labels warning on food and drinks with more than 50 grams of added sugar, including frozen coffee drinks from places like Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts, fountain sodas and even hot chocolate.
Numerous frozen coffee and other drinks at Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks contain more than 50 grams of added sugar - such as Dunkin's Butter Pecan and Caramel Swirl frozen coffee, which are pumped up with more than 100 grams of sugar.
US Dietary guidelines recommend that added sugar should be less than 50 grams or 10% of the recommended 2,000-calorie-a-day intake.
A large Kiwi Watermelon Dunkin' Lemonade Refresher has 74 grams of added sugar.