A heartbreaking incident unfolded in Brooklyn when a 3-year-old boy was dropped off at a hospital by an unidentified woman, covered in bruises and soon pronounced dead. The boy's distraught grandmother has publicly vowed to seek justice for his death. Police are trying to locate the woman who dropped him off and an accomplice seen leaving the scene. Preliminary findings from the medical examiner indicated the child's body showed signs of rigor mortis, suggesting he may have been dead for some time, while the cause of death remains undetermined pending an autopsy.
Police sources say the New York City medical examiner has been unable to determine the cause of death, pending the results of an autopsy.
The unconscious child was dropped off at the hospital covered in bruises on his face and body, and was pronounced dead moments later.
Whoever did this to my grandson, the grandmother is coming for y'all,” she told CBS News New York.
According to the medical examiner's preliminary examination, the child appeared to have signs of rigor mortis, indicating the child may have been dead for some time.