Marcelio Moreira, planning for an American daughter, discovers the ease of securing U.S. citizenship through birth in America, a practice known as birth tourism. After consulting a medical service in Florida, he and his wife prepare for their daughter's arrival in a U.S. hospital. However, this practice faces criticism as President Trump attempts to revoke birthright citizenship via an executive order, currently blocked by judges and poised for a Supreme Court review, challenging the constitutional aspects of what it means to be American.
"My daughter's children and grandchildren will then have citizenship, too," Naue rejoiced. "She can pass it down through the generations."
After talking with his wife, they contacted a Florida-based medical service, Have My Baby in Miami, that specializes in delivering babies born to women from abroad.
President Trump called birthright citizenship "absolutely ridiculous," stating America is the only country with such a practice.
The order has been blocked by federal judges and is expected to end up before the Supreme Court, raising fundamental questions about American identity.