In 2025, birthday party invitations have increasingly featured unusual demands from parents, including specific gift guidelines and requests for financial contributions. A shocking instance recently surfaced where a guest's mother requested transportation from the host, which prompted the host to seek advice from a parenting group. Many comments expressed disbelief at the entitlement displayed in the request, labeling it a new low. The host, overwhelmed with party preparations and responsibilities, declined the demand, hoping it wouldn't impact her daughter's new friendships negatively.
I'm hosting a birthday party and I let my daughter invite some new friends she's made this year. Yesterday I get a text stating, 'My daughter and I would love to attend and since I don't drive the only way we can attend is if you drive me and my daughter to and from the party.' It was literally the first conversation I had with this woman!
This is a new low of entitlement. If you can't get you and your kid to the party, then no, you can't come.