What Do the Tiny Signs on NYC Subway Stairs Mean? - Untapped New York

In New York City's subway system, tiny white signs on stair risers indicate locations using a coded system that helps both riders and maintenance workers. The letters inform users of their positioning—'M' for mezzanine, 'S' for street, and 'P' for platform. The numbers identify individual staircases within a station, and where applicable, letters denote channels for wider stairs. This informative system enhances wayfinding for passengers and facilitates efficient repair reporting for MTA staff.
The white signs on subway stairs use a short code that reveals their location; 'M' for mezzanine, 'S' for street, and 'P' for platform.
The numbering on these signs helps MTA workers identify specific staircases, while letters indicate the sections in cases where multiple channels exist.
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