What Happens When You Pay Attention to Food

Since I moved to New York a couple of months ago, I've been paying more attention than usual to people enjoying food in public. The density of this city somehow puts the pleasures of eating right in front of you: the smell of a hot dog eaten standing up outside the local restaurant-slash-lunch counter, the crunch of movie-theater popcorn, the neighborhood bodega full of New Yorkers craving a bacon-egg-and-cheese at 2 a.m. on a Saturday.
It's a cliché to say that food is about much more than just food-it's about connection, deliciousness, family-but our busy lives make it easy to forget that. Take today's reading list as your reminder to really taste the vegetables in your on-the-go salad, to smile at the person across the street also sipping an iced coffee, to take in what's in front of you, not just swallow it down.
Read at The Atlantic