The Best Restaurants on the Upper West Side

At the start of this century, it was commonplace to say there were no good restaurants on the Upper West Side. It was wrong then and is even more wrong now, as dynamic new places open. A cluster of Chinese restaurants has popped up on the northernmost edge of the neighborhood, new kosher and halal places are surging, and pizzerias offer a variety of styles.
Bánh Vietnamese Shop House has made the Upper West Side one of the city's primary destinations for Vietnamese food. Many dishes appear with nuances such as a turmeric-laced banh xeo with a coconut batter, and a wealth of inclusions like marinated shrimp, smoked pork belly, and mung-bean puree.
Occupying a picturesque balcony on the second floor of the new wing at the American Museum of Natural History, the Gilder has changed the game where museum dining in the city is concerned. Salads are another high point and the bloody marys are strong.
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