It's not just one conversation. It's lots of age-appropriate conversations. When they were really little, it was just about accepting everyone. When they got a bit older it was more about celebrating whoever you want to love. When they got older, we got more into the history of LGBT+ oppression and overcoming it. It will continue to evolve as they continue to want more information.
In our house we just talk about it like it's completely normal. When my daughter sees different kinds of love on TV we talk and act like it's just a part of life, because it is.
In my house, we don't hate anyone. It's important to be yourself and love yourself exactly as you are. I also teach that every family is built differently.
I've always talked to my boys about Pride, usually on the way to a parade. 'Pride is a celebration of men who love men, women who love women, and for people who might love differently than others. Queer love matters as much as any other love.