Watch Justice and Tame Impala's New Video for "Neverender"

Justice's Xavier de Rosnay and Gaspard Augé emphasized that the 'Neverender' music video allowed them to express various visual influences, refining them through Masanobu Hiraoka's reinterpretation. They highlighted their 1980s anime memories, alongside inspirations from Moebius, psychedelic art, and graphic novels, ultimately merging these influences into a distinctive visual narrative that pays homage to their formative artistic experiences.
The duo announced the upcoming 'Neverender' remixes EP, set to feature diverse versions of the track and reworks from artists like Kaytranada and Keinemusik's Rampa. The remixes will expand the musical landscape of the original song and demonstrate the evolving nature of their collaboration with Tame Impala, marking an exciting continuation of Justice's creative journey after their eight-year hiatus.
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