San José is initiating a $200,000 pilot program to assist unhoused individuals in reconnecting with their families or friends by providing bus and train tickets. Championed by Mayor Matt Mahan, the program aims to serve as a pathway for people to restart their lives in a supportive environment. The city's approach will involve case managers ensuring that the chosen destination and accommodation are safe. While designed based on learnings from a similar San Francisco initiative, the program is notable for its flexibility and minimal restrictions on the type of accommodation involved.
"But it's the right program for anyone trying to get home, trying to restart their lives and reconnect with family or friends who are willing to help," said Mayor Matt Mahan.
"We have to do some due diligence and put an expectation on the individual that once you land, call us," said Erik Soliván, emphasizing the importance of safety in the program.
"We're not going to require a family member because maybe it's a friend. There's lots of options," said Soliván about the flexibility of the program.
"Outreach workers will be authorized to spend up to $500 during routine conversations with unhoused people to set them up with transportation or up to $1,000 after receiving a supervisor's approval," explaining the financial support available.