With All Due Respect, He Is Lying': Abby Phillip Clashes with Republican Over Bogus Trump Claim

"Trump's assertion that aid is withheld due to spending on immigrants directly contradicts the realities reported by numerous credible sources, making it a significant misinformation issue."
"Abby Phillip emphasized the importance of truth in such crises by stating, 'People are still in need of help, and lying about it so consistently only complicates the reality of the situation.'"
"Maldonado insisted that Trump’s comments were a show of leadership, claiming, 'I think President Trump is down there making a very big point and raising the flag of, this state needs a lot of help.'"
"Phillip firmly countered with, 'He is lying. I don’t see him as not being consistent with the facts,' highlighting the clash over perceptions of truth in political discourse."
Read at www.mediaite.com