The generational divide in Congress is stark, with only 8% of the House of Representatives and 1% of the Senate representing Millennials, while Baby Boomers hold 52% of the House. This disparity highlights the prolonged dominance of older generations, limiting the influence of younger voices in shaping policy and governance. Many Baby Boomers and Gen X politicians have actively worked to marginalize Millennials, resulting in inadequate representation of a significant demographic in positions of power.
As Millennials age into political roles, they face an environment where Baby Boomers, making up over half of the House, remain entrenched. The lack of Millennial representation is amplified by systemic hurdles placed by older generations, reflecting a broader societal struggle for generational equity in political engagement. This trend suggests a reluctance among the established elder politicians to relinquish power and share leadership opportunities, potentially stifling innovative ideas from younger leaders.