The newly released data from Telegram shows a significant increase in the number of data demands it fulfilled in 2024, particularly from U.S. and Indian authorities. U.S. law enforcement received user data on 900 occasions, impacting over 2,200 accounts. This is a stark contrast to the 14 requests fulfilled for 108 users over most of the year. Such a spike appears to be influenced by recent events, including the arrest of Telegram's CEO for not complying with a child exploitation investigation.
Telegram’s transparency report for 2024 indicates a troubling trend for user privacy. The App handed over personal data, including phone numbers and IP addresses, to law enforcement agencies with an alarming frequency. The data suggests that the platform, which previously maintained a strong stance against yielding user information, has shifted its approach following external pressures, particularly after the arrest of its CEO. The numbers reveal a shift in the company's policy that could raise concerns regarding the privacy rights of its users.