Conflict and disharmony within relationships is inevitable. We are a social species, and for centuries we've relied on each other to get our basic needs met and obtain feedback and learn about the world, others, and ourselves. Our longest relationships can evoke the strongest reactions, contributing to longstanding regrets when discussing differing political perspectives.
At times of heightened stress and divisive politics, well-worn neural pathways are easier for the mind to traverse; they serve as shortcuts—even if where they lead isn't helpful or values-aligned. In these moments, quick assumptions and jumping to conclusions can escalate misunderstandings.
With emotional intelligence, you can repair relationships and prevent more ruptures. The ability to understand your own emotions and those of others, particularly in a charged political discussion, is critical to maintaining healthy relationships.
Discussing politics with people who have different views can feel treacherous. Strong emotions can lead to reactive communication, which can damage relationships if not managed well. Taking a moment to think before responding can alter the course of a conversation.
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