"The order by Republican Secretary of State Bob Evnen could have kept 7,000 or more Nebraskans from voting in the upcoming election, the ACLU said. Many reside in Nebraska's Omaha-centered 2nd Congressional District, where both the presidency and the makeup of Congress could be at stake."
"Justice Lindsey Miller-Lerman criticized Evnen and Attorney General Mike Hilgers for taking it upon themselves to declare the law unconstitutional, writing, 'Do we want to live in a world where every state employee who has a hunch a statute is flawed gets to ignore it?'"
"Evnen had ordered county election officials to reject voter registrations from those with felony convictions, citing an opinion from the state attorney general that deemed as unconstitutional a law restoring voting rights for felony convicts following their sentences."
"Following the ruling, Evnen reversed his previous order to county election officials. Hilgers, meanwhile, noted his appreciation for the court's clarification on the matter."
#voting-rights #nebraska-supreme-court #election-law #felony-convictions #republican-secretary-of-state