People Are Revealing The Common Home Upgrades In 2024 They're Officially Sick Of Seeing

"Limewashing walls. Am I the only one who thinks it looks sloppy? What happened to just picking a nice paint color and sticking with it? It feels very 'social media' to me, and not something that'll stand the test of time."
"My personal interior design pet peeve is people choosing fixtures purely for aesthetic, without the LEAST consideration for the long-term cost or time required for cleaning and maintenance... Luxury fixtures aren't just a flex on being able to afford them; they're also a flex on being able to afford to keep them looking nice."
"DIY kitchen cabinets are the worst, and I only know this because I swear it almost made me want to divorce my husband... I wish we'd just had a professional install real cabinets. Don't let influencers swindle you; if you're upgrading your kitchen, do it correctly!"
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