"Too many Oregonians are living with what appears to be an unbreakable ceiling between them and financial security," Steiner said, addressing the financial challenges faced by many families in Oregon. She emphasized that surprise expenses, like car repairs or medical bills, can pose significant hardships for many, highlighting the urgent need for better financial solutions.
"I'm committing to you that during my tenure as treasurer, we will double the percentage of children in this state with a college savings plan, ensure the vast majority of Oregonians are saving for retirement... and establish a child savings account so that every child born in Oregon has a savings account available to them when they turn 18," Steiner stated, outlining her aggressive goals to enhance financial security and education savings.
"Elizabeth and I share a vision of Oregon as a place where every person has the opportunity to shape the future they want for themselves," Gov. Kotek remarked, affirming her support for Steiner's initiatives and the shared goals for economic empowerment in Oregon.