She shares that in the case of the last family I nannied for, it would be easy to assume that my charge was actually my child - she was 24, the child was two, and they were both blondes. So on first glance, to the other moms at the park, I might have just been another mom. And for the first few times I saw them, we interacted normally. Standard pleasantries were swapped, and it never occurred to anybody that I wasn't the toddler's mom.
So I call the kid and go 'hey, your mom's home for lunch! Let's go have some lunch with her!' and the entire tone of the group changes. Not immediately, she shares. Not in that particular moment, but the next time we went to the playground two days later. The moms were set apart, but looking at me. They're kind of whispering a little bit and I'm getting that sensation that I'm being talked about without me there.