Merely / Malibu: Essential Mixtape

As we stroll through life, it's essential to immerse ourselves in the present, where the simple act of paying attention can transform our experience into something magical. When you step outside, in a moment like late November, the world becomes alive with sensory experiences, and you can feel an almost ecstatic connection to everything around you.
In his 1995 work Ocean of Sound, critic David Toop describes our relationship with the sea as a metaphor for life itself. He suggests that our repeated allure to the ocean reflects a deep romantic yearning for a return to nature and a connection to the subconscious. Submersion, then, is both a physical and emotional journey into the depths of our existence.
Essential Mixtape begins with the serene sounds of nature and everyday life, creating an auditory landscape that transports the listener. The natural sounds blend with whispered reflections on color, mirroring the experience of connecting with the world around us. The ocean features prominently, introducing a very real chaos that eventually fades into tranquility as the music evolves.
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