Throughout the '60s and '70s, Star Trek fans communicated their thoughts on the series with fan-made zines, distributed through snail mail across the country. In the late '70s and into the '80s, Star Wars fans did the same. But when the internet came around, the fan experience was completely changed: suddenly, you could share your opinion about the brand-new Harry Potter book or Peter Jackson's take on The Lord of the Rings on your LiveJournal or MySpace for thousands to see instantly.
A new report claims studios are taking unprecedented steps to avoid the ire of the fandoms - at any cost. But in catering to fans, major movie studios like Marvel may be shooting themselves in the foot in more ways than one.
"They're very vocal," says one anonymous studio executive. "They will just tell us, 'If you do that, fans are going to retaliate.' This can even affect the plot of new movies and shows. "If it's early enough and the movie isn't finished yet, we can make those kinds of changes."