Learn A Mom's Simple Game To Help Her Sons Learn About Body Language & Consent

Kelsey Pomeroy, a social media personality, emphasizes the importance of play in children's learning. She shares an interactive game called The Body Language Game with her sons, where they use non-verbal cues to communicate consent. By alternating between expressive and withdrawn body language, Pomeroy teaches her children to discern feelings and intentions. This approach not only fosters learning in a fun environment but also equips them with vital social skills that they can use with peers, enabling them to advocate for others if they notice discomfort in social situations.
When the boy comes up, she greets him with open arms and squeezes him back enthusiastically. "What did my body language tell you?" she asks him. "Yes!" he answers.
Did I say stop with my words?" she debriefs. "No. But I said stop with my body, right?" She goes through the game a few times.
If they want to hug or even high-five a friend they can pay attention to that person's body language to see if it's something they also want to do.
More than that, she explains, her sons have the skills to help others just by reading their body language.
Read at Scary Mommy