"The longer you're sitting on the bowl, the more blood [down there], the more wiping, the more irritation. The body senses that," Goldstein said. Instead, we want to get vertical again as soon as possible to relieve that pressure. "So, you poop, wipe once or twice [while seated], finish standing up. Why? The blood starts to leave [when you stand up]. The mechanism starts to go back to the normal, daily [position]," Goldstein said.
Goldstein also noted, "There are some people that it's harder [to wipe] when they're standing. They don't feel like they're getting the full hole. ... But we don't need to go all up in there. If you are going all up in there, we need to go back to diet and fiber and pre- and probiotics, and thinking about better strategies. I always say, 'It's not butt health; it's gut health.' If you have gut health, you will automatically have butt health."