In response to the increasing threat of 3D-printed firearms in New York, lawmakers are considering bill A2228, introduced by Assemblymember Jenifer Rajkumar. This legislation mandates that sellers of 3D printers capable of producing firearms must conduct thorough background checks akin to those for traditional firearm purchases. This means consulting the state's Division of Criminal Justice, submitting fingerprints to the FBI, and obtaining a determination within 15 business days. The bill includes broad definitions encompassing various types of 3D printers to effectively curb the creation of ghost guns and enhance public safety.
The bill introduced by Assemblymember Jenifer Rajkumar mandates background checks for all customers purchasing 3D printers capable of creating firearms or firearm components.
In New York, lawmakers are addressing the rise of ghost guns by imposing strict regulations on 3D printing technology and ensuring that sales involve thorough criminal background checks.