"Every nurse that would come into my room, I would drill them about their career path and ask them lots of questions," Romer said during her first public appearance since her August 2023 stroke at Fortune's Most Powerful Women Summit in Laguna Niguel, Calif. "Some nurses started to get weary when they would come in and they would say, 'I heard you interview every nurse.' And I would say, 'yes, I do.'"
"I ultimately got my own residency in health care, living in the hospital for many months," Romer said, noting how her personal experience in healthcare brought urgency to her idea of developing Guild's programs for health care workers.
After Romer unexpectedly landed in the hospital, Shah, who was out on maternity leave, found herself called into action at a moment's notice. Shah said she got an unexpected call from one of Romer's family members who had scant details, but the urgency was clear.