As Donald Trump is inaugurated in 2025, predictions indicate that gold prices will surge, possibly hitting $3,000 per troy ounce. After unprecedented gains in 2024, which were propelled by economic uncertainties and rising demand, experts forecast continued momentum for gold in 2025. Factors such as geopolitical tensions and changes in monetary policy will likely bolster its appeal as a safe-haven asset during volatile times. Central banks' commitment to gold purchases further supports this outlook, making it a potentially lucrative investment in the coming year.
There's no denying that 2024 was a record year for gold. It's reached colossal new highs and broken records that none of us expected. This is thanks to a result of economic uncertainty, changes in global inflation and also increased demand for this commodity.
It's predicted that by the end of 2025, gold will rise to $3,000 per troy ounce and thanks to its increased rises throughout this year, I fully expect that this will be the case.
Another factor potentially making gold a lucrative commodity to invest in is geopolitical tensions and any monetary policy changes as throughout these changes, it's likely gold will continue to retain its worth during uncertain times.
Recently, Trump's presidency and Trudeau's resignation have contributed to an environment of increased uncertainty and market volatility, which supports the likelihood of gold being viewed as a safe-haven asset.