Dem Dan Goldman Torches Trump's Buffoons' At Intel Agencies: Double Agents' Will Refuse To Work With Them

Rep. Dan Goldman expressed grave concerns regarding the potential national security risks posed by Donald Trump loyalists appointed to key positions within intelligence agencies. During an interview, he explained that experienced CIA and FBI agents are critical for gathering information from double agents, which is essential for national defense. Trust between allied nations could erode if they believe their shared intelligence could be exploited for political gain, leading to a significant decline in critical intelligence availability, crucial for preventing terrorist activities and criminal operations.
I'm not concerned. I know he is making our nation less safe. These CIA agents, these FBI agents are well-trained... If you are firing these people, you are putting in lackeys for Donald Trump.
If our allies think that we're going to abuse the information that they give for political purposes... then they're not going to share information. We are going to get so much less critical intelligence.
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