Closing in on quantum computing with error mitigation | Computer Weekly

As we advance on our roadmap towards error-corrected quantum systems as a pillar of the future of computing, the algorithms discovered today across industries will be key to realising the full potential of unexplored computational spaces created by the convergence of QPUs, CPUs, and GPUs.
Advances across IBM Quantum hardware and Qiskit are enabling our users to build new algorithms in which advanced quantum and classical supercomputing resources can be knit together to combine their respective strengths.
IBM Heron offers error mitigation, which the company describes as techniques that allow users to mitigate circuit errors by modelling the device noise at the time of execution.
The introduction of tools such as the Qiskit Transpiler Service and Qiskit Serverless will empower developers to optimise circuits and run quantum-centric supercomputing approaches effectively.
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