Bridging Gaming and Web3 Through Player-First Design | Interview with Riccardo Sibani | HackerNoon

Receiving Binance's Project of the Year award early on was both an honor and a catalyst for our strategic direction. It showed us there's a strong community excited about seeing Web3 technology expand into the gaming space. This recognition has underscored our commitment to give power to the players. Every step we take-whether developing user-driven governance or decentralizing gameplay-is guided by the idea that players should have a real stake in the game. The early support reinforced our vision and helped us take more ambitious steps in making a fully decentralized, community-owned world possible.
Long-term sustainability in Web3 gaming is indeed a challenge, especially as the hype has settled. Our approach has been to prioritize an enjoyable and immersive game that just happens to use blockchain, rather than creating a blockchain-focused product with gaming elements. We focus on quality gameplay first-delivering value through a game players genuinely want to spend time in. Blockchain technology then works behind the scenes to give players.
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