The Adams administration is focusing on maintaining a car-free environment on Park Row to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists, while combatting calls from business groups and politicians to reinstate car traffic following the post-9/11 closure. Deputy Mayor Meera Joshi emphasized a $56 million investment aimed at beautifying Chinatown and enhancing traffic safety. A recent traffic study warned that allowing cars back would significantly increase congestion, thereby endangering local commuters. The city aims to foster community engagement and better the area without succumbing to automotive pressure.
Last year, we announced a historic $56-million public realm investment in Chinatown that will make much-needed traffic safety improvements at Chatham/Kimlau Square, expand the public plaza footprint, and beautify the Park Row connection to Chinatown.
If motorists were allowed back on Park Row, the quiet road would transform into Midtown-level traffic, endangering pedestrians and cyclists, while slowing down buses and other cars in the area.
Everybody agrees that Park Row should be a passageway from Chinatown to the Brooklyn Bridge - let's beautify it.