35 Now-Obsolete Home Features That Were, Believe It Or Not, The HEIGHT Of Luxury Back In The Day

"I've seen photos of homes built in the '70s, and the living room area is kinda designed like a 'conversation pit'... dude that is so cool, and I would love to have a home like that."
"People don't realize how useful one of those antennas is, especially with a rotator. Not only will they currently pull in tens of television channels, but they're also designed to receive FM broadcasts. This means you can receive FM broadcast stations hundreds of miles in all directions. Modern antennas sold for homes cannot hold a candle to the old school antennas."
"Laundry chutes. In one house it was from the second floor to the basement, in another from the kitchen to the basement. Those chutes make for an excellent amusement park for stuffed animals."
"I was thinking just the other day how much I miss a water bed and was wondering if you could still get one. We used to have a couple of water bed stores, but they are long gone."
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