The article discusses 'beliefism,' a bias that leads to discrimination against those with differing views, reinforcing societal division. It highlights how modern society's physical and digital segregation limits interactions across diverse perspectives, exacerbated by social media echo chambers. The author shares a personal experience of attending a talk by someone with opposing views to demonstrate the importance of engaging with differing beliefs. By practicing empathy and curiosity, individuals can confront beliefism and promote understanding, aiming to replace division with connection and foster a more cohesive society.
We rarely interact with people from other walks of life. Social media algorithms stoke the fires of division, locking us into echo chambers that reinforce our preexisting beliefs.
Connecting with people who hold different views is not just valuable but necessary. Real understanding and real change require engagement across difference.
Beliefism fuels division and entrenches polarisation—building walls instead of bridges. It is a bias where you discriminate against or dismiss those who hold different views.
While my core values weren't transformed, I learnt something and left with a deeper appreciation for the complexity of other perspectives.