The impending cuts to disability benefits are causing distress among those affected, especially disabled individuals like a single father struggling to provide for his family. His reliance on personal independence payments and universal credit is undermined by these cuts, as inflation continues to rise. The author describes the daily challenges of affording food and essentials, revealing a life constrained to absolute necessities without any means for leisure or joy. The uncertainty breeds anxiety, representing a grim outlook on the future amid potential further cuts to social security by the Labour party.
Every day is a new challenge not knowing what food I can afford to buy, and is also more expensive in the local shops I have to use because I can't afford to travel to larger supermarkets.
The freeze will mean that my income falls and I'm left struggling even harder to make ends meet. I already live on the edge of existence with the amount of money I have to survive on after paying unavoidable expenses.
If it is not an absolute necessity in order to survive then we can't even consider spending on it. Every single penny in cost increases in recent times... is a penny that has to be found from elsewhere.
The uncertainty around the future and what lies ahead leaves me suffering from so much anxiety that I am barely able to focus on living.