The 6 Sly Ways of the Gaslighter

Gaslighting, a term gaining popularity, represents a form of emotional abuse where the abuser manipulates the victim into doubting their perceptions and sanity. This tactic, identified in a recent study by University of Sydney’s Lillian Darke and colleagues, composes a series of six strategies that empower the gaslighter while debilitating the victim's self-worth. Although gaslighting is often recognized in contemporary discussions, substantial empirical research remains limited, indicating an urgent need for a deeper exploration of its definitions and impacts on mental health, particularly its role in coercive control behaviors.
According to the literature, it often involves subtle manipulation that can make victims question their perceptions and undermine their self-confidence over time.
Gaslighting is not just psychological manipulation; it cultivates an environment that fosters dependency, vulnerability, and confusion in the victim, ultimately eroding their mental health.
Read at Psychology Today