Despite my best efforts, my patient suffers. When we feel thwarted by nature all we can do is cling to hope | Ranjana Srivastava

The article narrates a physician's experience with a patient who finds solace in her indoor garden amidst battling aggressive cancer. The physician admires a particular plant from her patient, symbolizing tranquility and strength, which leads to a gift of a baby version for her. This exchange evokes reflections on their shared bond and the symbolic power plants hold in healing and resilience. The patient’s positive outlook, despite dire circumstances, encourages the physician and highlights the profound connection between humans and nature, underscoring themes of hope, resilience, and the healing effects of green spaces.
"The next time, she presents me with a baby version of the plant. I am touched, but find myself confessing that even supposedly low maintenance plants perish under my watch."
"Her measured temperament does no justice to her bad luck. But a pragmatic acceptance of her situation mixed with resolute determination to do her best is inspiring."
"Every oncologist has an indelible memory of a patient's disease unexpectedly melting away. Later, there will be nuanced questions about the how and why, but in that moment of discovery, there is only happiness."
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