The Washington Post isn't alone: Roughly 3/4 of major American newspapers aren't endorsing anyone for president this year | Nieman Journalism Lab

The mass cancellation of over 250,000 Washington Post subscriptions after the announcement of no presidential endorsement reflects unprecedented consumer reaction in modern news, indicating a significant disconnect between editorial decisions and audience expectations.
Jeff Bezos's decision not to endorse a candidate appears to have backfired, as demonstrated by the sudden wave of dissubscriptions. The overall trend of declining newspaper endorsements continues to alienate readers.
The growing reluctance among major newspapers to endorse presidential candidates signals a shift in media strategy, moving from firm opinions to attempts at neutrality, which may intensify reader disengagement.
Data from The American Presidency Project shows a stark increase in non-endorsements over the past five election cycles, highlighting a major shift in the role of newspapers in political discourse.
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