News confronts reaching audiences in a post-social world

The last year has reminded many news organizations how brittle online audiences can be. Facebook traffic declined sharply in 2023, dashing publishers' hopes that a long fall in referral traffic had finally plateaued. Google showed signs of instability with publishers watching millions of impressions from Google News and Discover evaporate after Google's updates during the fall. I've seen a mad rush to places like Apple News, Microsoft Start, SmartNews, and other platforms where news organizations have some confidence that the audience cares about news.
As recently as a decade ago, the news and news stories were a consistent part of daily life for Americans. The news was on the TV in the waiting room at the dentist's office and news magazines were on the table. The hygienist was often playing the radio and the news headlines would top the hour. News stands and newspaper boxes were still on some corners, and coffee shops were still piled high with alternative newspapers. The Internet was also full of news stories. Companies like Yahoo still assumed the first thing people wanted to do online was check what was happening and cover
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